Where to stay in Amsterdam, Netherlands: CLINK NOORD HOSTEL

First hostel experience in Europe: CLINK NOORD HOSTEL

 After 3 weeks with my parents and 2 visits to my friends in Europe, this was the first time I was actually TOTALLY alone. I decided to try this hostel in Amsterdam called Clink Noord.


When I first walked in, I was so pleased that everyone seemed so friendly. The warm welcome and genuine smiles that greeted me was what I needed to somehow jumpstart this solo Eurotrip.

I absolutely adore the details of this hostel. Everythings just so artsy! The interior of the whole place is so hip and modern. Such well-thought-of design.

A coffee shop right smack in the middle of the reception area



They have a vendo machine for those people who love late night munchies and also, they have a laundry area. This is a must for people who are doing backpacking. Fun fact: I only brought 7 coats, 7 bottoms, 7 tops for my 2 month trip in Europe so I actually do laundry every Sunday.

Lockers in the lobby + an atm machine. So convenient, right?

Now let me show you guys the room i stayed in (I apologize if it looks messy haha). It's a 6-bed mixed dorm with shower and toilet inside. If you're traveling with friends, I think this is perfect because you'll have your own bathroom.

Also ideal for solo-travelers like me who doesn't want to be bothered with going out to use the common bathroom.

 I'm sure a lot of you will ask: is it safe to stay in a mixed dorm if you're a girl? I was lucky I was with the nicest men in the room. They were all so proper and polite! I even remember the first night, I was already sleeping so they turned off the lights eventhough they were still fixing their stuff. They were considerate enough not to make noises. I guess I was blessed to be roommates with people with good souls!

 But my tip for the girls who aren't comfy with staying in a mixed dorm, book an all female dorm room. Hostels in Europe will always give you that option.  

What caught my attention about Clink is that they have daily activities and free city walking tours (that I wasn't able to avail because I always wake up so late) Haha. So back to the activities, they have movie night every monday, ping pong tournament every tuesday, yoga and dutch beer tasting (5 euros for this one) every wednesday, yoga again and pub quiz night every thursday, karaoke night every friday, cider pong contest every saturday and solo travelers meet up & music night every sunday. Isn't that so cool? You'll be able to meet a lot of people and make the most out of your stay in Clink.

Now, a tour of the lounge area!

Tables and sofas where you can just chill or work

They have a library, too!

Arcade games, billiard tables!

This is not usual for hostels but they have a restaurant and a bar. Actually during my first night, I just stayed in. I arrived in Amsterdam around 6pm and checked in. I didn't even bother to go out after I explored the place cos there's so much stuff I could do.

Who needs to go out if you have everything you need inside the hostel?

Spacious area where you can dine

A restaurant that's open the whole day till 1030pm

Got so surprised that they have really really good food!

I swear I was already super amazed with Clink but when I saw this outdoor(ish) area...

I MEAN, GUYS?!!!??! I've stayed in several hostels around Asia and nothing compares to Clink!

I could totally stay here the whole day if only I had more time in Amsterdam. I'm actually already planning my next Eurotrip in my head and I'll definitely come back here.

More areas where you can chill alone or with your new found friends :P


  They have a huge kitchen where you can cook and store your food. Just a random story, there were so many times I'd buy my food in groceries. If you're a budget traveler, this is very ideal for you. So for Clink to have this area, it is very practical and it just goes to show how they thought about their guests' needs during the time they created the concept of the hostel.

I'm glad and relieved that my first hostel experience in Europe was here at Clink Hostel Amsterdam. It went above and beyond my expectations. My roommates became my friends (I still actually talk to them). I learned how to trust and open up to people. Before I left the PH, I felt socially awkward and anxious about this solo eurotrip but meeting beautiful souls in this hostel gave me so much life learnings and realizations. I know it sounds so cheesy but I just want to share this :P


 To learn more about CLINK HOSTELS, click here